- Language and communication
o Learning through language, learning language, and learning about language - Naturalistic and instructed second language acquisition
o What they look and sound like
o Instructional conversations - When and why instructed second language acquisition is necessary
o Focus on form and formS
o Processability theory
o Fossilization/stabilization - Individual factors and second language acquisition
o First language influence
o Age
o Learner language/interlanguage - Comparing mainstream and English language development/English as a second language (ELD/ESL) environments
- Language form and structure in second language literacy
- Learning to read in English—native and non-native speaker comparison
- Role of vocabulary, word forms, and sentence structure in second language reading
- Describing and measuring English proficiency
o WIDA/TESOL levels of proficiency
o WIDA Can Do Descriptors - Targeting language arts and literacy instruction to English learners’ WIDA levels of proficiency
- Assessing the gap between Common Core State Standards grade-level language arts and literacy instruction and an EL’s WIDA proficiency level
- What scaffolding English learners’ language arts and literacy instruction means and how it is done
o Pitch, Pace, Portion, and Perspective/Point - Use of technology for scaffolding language arts and literacy instruction
- Protocol for scaffolding language arts and literacy instruction specific to an English learner’s WIDA proficiency level—The Language Arts Protocol
Assessment of English Proficiency
Comparing First and Second Language Acquisition
Historical Language Teaching Methodologies
Instructed Second Language Acquisition
Language Arts Instruction for English Learners
Language Arts Lesson Plans Before and After Application of the Language Arts Protocol
Literacy Development for Adolescent English Learners
Literacy Development for English Learners with Low Level Literacy in the L1