Suggestions for and Models of Family Involvement
Working with Families of EL students
Scholastic article on working with families of linguistically diverse students. Contains a number of critical questions teachers should ask themselves before interacting with ELs and their families.
Reaching out to Parents
¡Colorín Colorado! article on contacting and welcoming parents
NCCREST recommendations for outreach to EL families
Helpful suggestions for connecting with parents of English learners.
Administrators Reaching out to ELL Families
A ¡Colorín Colorado! Guide specifically designed for school administrators. The Guide can be downloaded as a PDF file, but don’t leave te page without watching the videos!
Migrant and Farmworker Families
Understanding Migrant Family Needs
A collection of resources about migrant family issues on the ¡Colorín Colorado! website. Be sure to watch the three videos!
Helping Migrant Students Succeed
Description of challenges migrant families’ face when interacting with schools and what teachers and administrators can do to foster student success.
Refugee Families
Guide for refugee parents about US school policies, procedures, and expectations
Provides clear, graphics-supported explanations for parents as well as sentence frames and sample letters to communicate with their children’s school.