English Learner Categories
Generation 1.5 Students
Article and video from PBS affiliate
2010 ¡Colorín Colorado! article on what teachers can do to include newcomer students and their families in the school.
Special Populations of English Learners
¡Colorín Colorado! article on English learners who are adopted, migrant, refugee or have interrupted schooling
Criteria for Exiting English Learners from the EL Category
Guidance from a CCSSO National Working Session on Policies and Practices for Exiting Students from English Learner Status
English Learner Student Population
County-by-County Maps of EL Student Population
NCELA statistics and graphics showing growth in EL student enrollment
Interactive State Map of EL Student Population
Interactive State Map of EL Student Population provided by Migration Policy Institute
Goldenberg Article on English Learners
Article referenced in the Introductory chapter that lists demographic trends of English learners.
English-Speaking Ability of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2012
PDF of article describing US Census data.
NCELA Fast Facts about English Learners
Over 30 two-page summaries of facts about English learners, from ELs in charter schools to ELs’ high school graduation rates by state.
Immigrant and Refugee Issues and Resources
Key Findings About US Immigrants–Pew Research
Migration Policy Institute ELL Information Center
Private organization providing reports, demographics, and other information about immigration
US Refugee Resettlement Office
Support and resources for refugees
UN High Commission on Refugees
UN refugee agency resources and support
Pew Research Key Facts About Refugees to the US
Center for Applied Linguistics Webinar on Refugees
Guidelines for creating a welcoming school environment for refugee students.
About Refugees
Cultural Orientation Resource Center discussion of refugee status and resettlement.
Educational Experiences of Refugee Children
Migration Policy Institute report with recommendations regarding educating refugee children
Students with Interrupted Formal Education
How to Support Students with Interrupted Formal Education
Defines SIFE students and offers both school-wide and classroom-specific suggestions Article by Kristina Robertson and Susan Lafond on the ¡Colorín Colorado! website. Scroll to the end for additional resources on welcoming refugees and working with newcomer English learners.
Supporting English Language Learners with Limited Prior Schooling
Detailed Guide on assessing, teaching, and assisting Grade 3-12 ELs with limited prior schooling transition to new (school) culture. The beginning of the guide contains case studies of students arriving with limited prior schooling at different grade levels.
Useful phrases
Collection of common words and phrases, some with audio files by Omniglot. Search by phrase, language, or language family.