Assistant Professor and Coordinator of ESOL
Stetson University, Department of Education
Carine Strebel grew up surrounded by multiple languages. She spent her first five years in Biel/Bienne, a town on the language boundary between the French- and German-speaking parts of Switzerland, near the Jura Mountains. She learned French formally when the family lived in Paris for three years, a course of study that continued when they returned to Switzerland, and then learned English starting in the eighth grade. She credits her parents for inspiring her passion to learn about different cultures and languages as well as her desire to become a language teacher from a young age. After moving to the United States to complete her undergraduate studies, Strebel became a French teacher and pursued graduate studies in francophone literature, but then decided to deepen her understanding of second-language acquisition through formal studies in that field because she wanted to help immigrant children become successful in American schools. Her PhD is in instructional technology with a focus in ESOL. She is a coauthor of Preparing Every Teacher to Reach English Learners: A Practical Guide for Teacher Educators and also a coeditor of The Tapestry Journal: An International Multidisciplinary Journal on English Language Learner Education. Her research focuses on the infusion of English learner competencies throughout teacher education programs in content-based language instruction. As the ESOL coordinator at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, she teaches courses in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, methods of instruction for diverse learners and education reform, oversees senior research projects, and works with faculty and staff to provide appropriate support for the university’s international students.