Legal and Policy Issues



Court Cases and Laws Affecting English Learner Education

History of Bilingual Education
This text-based module traces the history of bilingual education policy and law in the United States during the 20th century.

Legal Issues and ESOL, Peter Roos, Esq.
This video module discusses the educational rights of language minority students.

Legal Issues Guide
PDF of guide produced by ¡ColorÍn Colorado!

English Learner Rights
U.S. Department of Education website with links to questions and answers.

Florida Consent Decree
Legal document with of the Consent Decree the State of Florida Reached with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) in 1990. Each of the six sections can be read in detail by clicking on the links.

Policy Issues

History of US Language Policies
Overview of language policies between pre-colonial times and today, as well as overview of major legislation and court cases on this topic. Hosted by the ¡ColorÍn Colorado! website.

Categorization of English Learners
2013 report on the identification and exit procedures for English learners. Downloadable PDF.